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Egypt Travel Assistance
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No, dentures aren't just for little old ladies anymore, and they certainly don't have to be obvious! In fact, we offer a revolutionary alternative to the traditional, telltale dentures: cosmetic dentures. These comfortable tooth replacement options make chewing easier, and help maintain facial feature alignment (eliminating snagging), giving you a healthy, beautiful smile.


Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth typically made out of an acrylic resin which at times incorporate porcelain or metal for additional structural support. There are two main types of dentures. Both Complete Dentures and Partial Dentures are finely crafted, custom-fitted. If you properly maintain your dentures they will appear natural and provide a perfect smile. Additionally, dentures help strengthen muscles controlling your expressions that require the support of your teeth, rid you of pronunciation problems caused by missing teeth and aid with chewing.

If you've lost, or are losing, all of your teeth a Complete Denture is something to discuss with your cosmetic dentist. If some of your teeth remain and are healthy, a partial denture may be your way to a great smile./
This procedure should be thoroughly discussed with your dentist as there are several personal and medical factors to take into consideration. You may instead be a candidate for dental bridges and dental implants as optional procedures.

Overview of dentures

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth typically made out of an acrylic resin which may at times incorporate porcelain or metal for additional structural support. There are two main types of dentures, complete and partial. Both Complete dentures and partial dentures are finely crafted and custom-fitted to the patient. If you properly maintain your dentures they will appear natural and provide a perfect smile. Additionally, dentures help strengthen muscles controlling your expressions that require the support of your teeth, rid you of pronunciation problems caused by missing teeth and aid with chewing.

How are dentures accomplished?

It is somewhat common to require for some teeth to be extracted, and surgery in some cases is necessary to improve the bony ridges that stabilize your dentures. The procedure begins with a wax bite impression of your mouth that will give your dentist exacting measurements.

A try-on appointment will fine tunes color, shape, and custom-fit. After your final dentures are fabricated, they will be placed and informed of their required care. Different types of false teeth>

Complete Dentures:

These replace all of your teeth, upper or lower. Their comfort depends on muscle, bones, tongue, and saliva. Patients begin wearing conventional dentures after healing the teeth that were pulled.

Immediate Dentures:

Immediate Dentures are placed all at once, and may require additional adjustments after the healing process. It can take months for your bone and tissue to stabilize after tooth extractions.

Upper Dentures:

Upper Dentures, tend to be a bit easier to adjust to. These are made of the same materials as a Complete Denture, but are designed to provide you with upper teeth only.

Over Dentures:

Over Dentures are a type of conventional denture similar to Complete Dentures. The difference is that not all teeth are extracted and they use one or more natural teeth for their support. This type provides greater stabilization during chewing. Over Dentures cost more and typically require more preparation dental appointments until the procedure is fully complete.

Partial Dentures:

Designed to correct the gaps in your smile when only some of your teeth are missing. Metal attachments anchor the dentures to your natural teeth. Partial Dentures maintain tooth alignment by preventing your remaining teeth from shifting. Partial Dentures can also help prevent your loss of more teeth due to decay or gum disease.