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Do you dislike your nose?

You are definitely not alone. Many women and even younger teens are extremely self conscious about their nose. After all, it is right in the middle of the face, pretty hard to miss. Rhinoplasty is a very common surgery to improve it’s appearance.

lasik_operation Rhinoplasty - commonly referred to as a nose job - is surgery to improve the appearance of the nose or repair its function. As the nose is such a prominent feature minor flaws or imperfections can cause a person to become very self conscious about their looks and their self esteem may suffer. This is why, when it comes to cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty is consistently one of the most highly sought procedures. A rhinoplasty specialist may also operate on the nose to restore its function, for instance by improving breathing difficulties. There are many things a rhinoplasty surgeon may do to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose, for example he may sculpt or remove part of the cartilage (the tissue which gives the nose its structure) to straighten it, add implants to increase nasal projection or produce a more prominent tip, file down a dorsal hump or decrease the width of the nose.

Narrowing the appearance of the nose can be achieved by breaking the nasal bones and meticulously resetting them in their new form. Where the use of implants is required, a rhinoplasty surgeon may choose to use a synthetic material such as silicon or part of the patient’s own body tissue, such as tissue from the inner ear or nasal septum. Rhinoplasty is gaining in popularity among teenagers in Western society. This has been attributed to peer pressure and bullying, and teenagers who are unhappy with their appearance may seek a nose job to boost their self esteem and confidence. Most rhinoplasty specialists prefer to delay surgery till the patient’s growth is complete. However, the procedure can be performed as young as 13 or 14 years in girls. Boys, who generally physically mature at a slower rate, may have to wait till at least 15 or 16 years old before they can under go plastic surgery. Performing the nose job too early may necessitate revision rhinoplasty once the patient has finished growing.

There is no upper age limit for having a nose job and undergoing rhinoplasty to elevate the tip of the nose and refine the bridge can give a person a more youthful appearance. As long as the patient is fit for surgery, both physically and emotionally, and fits all the criteria for being a suitable rhinoplasty patient they should be able to receive the surgery they want. There are two methods of surgery a rhinoplasty specialist may use. The first technique is closed rhinoplasty, where the incisions are hidden inside the nose. As the surgery is performed blind (since there are severe restrictions on how much of the structure of the nose the surgeon can see while operating), closed rhinoplasty is better suited for straightforward procedures. The advantage of this technique is that the nose undergoes less trauma and so the patient should not experience so much post-operative swelling or bruising.

lasik_operation Alternatively, a nose job specialist may prefer to use open rhinoplasty. For this technique, a careful incision is made in the fleshy column which separates the nostrils (the columella) and the skin will be carefully lifted back to expose the underlying structures of the nose. As the cartilage and tissue can be seen its natural position it is much easier for the surgeon to carry out intricate work. Once the alterations have been made the surgeon will stitch the skin back into place. Open rhinoplasty can produce minor scarring and recovery can be a little slower as the patient has to contend with more swelling than they may have with the closed procedure. All surgery carries inherent risks and rhinoplasty is no exception. Some of these are general risks which can be applied to any surgery such as possible complications with anaesthesia. Rhinoplasty risks can range from minor problems such as increased mucus production and minor nose bleeds in the weeks following surgery, to more serious concerns such as the nose healing in an unexpected manor. For example, the patient may bump their nose before it is fully healed or the nose may heal with a bias to one side because the patient favours one side when sleeping.

A good nose job can be extremely beneficial in boosting a person’s self esteem as well as improving their appearance. But deciding to undergo plastic surgery should not be a decision which is taken lightly and a great deal of research should be done before committing to having rhinoplasty. Always take time to find out who is the best rhinoplasty surgeon for you and to weigh up the possible rhinoplasty risks against the positives of surgery