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Egypt Travel Assistance
How Can We Help you?

The operation called Liposuction (Suction Assisted Lipectomy and Liposculpture) can give you a better body contour with relatively little scarring. Areas of fatty tissue which are resistant to diet, exercise and weight loss may be suitable for treatment by this technique.

body_operation There are two basic types of fat. There is a dense or fibrous fat which is difficult to remove by this technique and there is a more loose padding fat which is softer in consistency and this is suitable for treatment by Liposuction. The proportion of these two types of fat varies from area to area and consequently some areas in the body are more amenable to Liposuction.

The ability to suction the fat varies from individual to individual and generally it is easier to suction the fat from women than from men as the fat is softer and less fibrous.

Suitability For Operation:

  • Good health
  • The deformity or fatty bulge is localised
  • The deformity has not responded to a strict regime of diet, exercise and weight loss
  • Good skin tone, with little or no tendency to sagginess
  • Generally patients under forty years of age (not absolute)
  • Little or no cellulite
  • Few or no stretch marks
  • Have realistic expectations about result

The best liposuction candidates tend to get the best results. During your consultation We will discuss with you the areas of concern and those factors that will influence the outcome of liposuction surgery. It is important to have realistic expectations as to the outcome of your surgery. As with any cosmetic surgery it is important to have clear objectives and realistic expectations.

Unrealistic Expectations

  • Minor deformity to be corrected by major surgical procedure
  • Understand that liposuction is not a cure for obesity or a substitute for weight loss
  • Wants to have liposuction for themself, not to please someone else
  • Don't expect liposuction to change their personal or professional lives dramatically

How Is Liposuction Performed?


A small incision is made in the skin for each area to be treated. A narrow metal tube (cannula) is inserted through the incision into the fatty area and by working the tube back and forth, the fat is shaved off in tunnels and evacuated through attached tubing to a suction machine or suction syringe. The suctioned tunnels and spaces are then collapsed by the use of a compression garment to create the new contour.

Tumescent Technique

The Tumescent technique (or wet method) involves the injection into the tissues prior to commencing liposuction. A solution of saline, local anaesthetic and vasoconstrictor agents has been found to increase the amount of fat removed and decrease the amount of post-operative bruising.

Ultrasonic Assisted Liposculpture

This technique uses ultrasonic waves produced by a generator and introduced into the tissues by a small incision to disrupt the fat cells (Lipocytes) and release the fat. The free fat is then removed from the tissues by use of an aspiration cannula in much the same way as regular liposuction (known as Suction Assisted Liposculpture or SAL). Ultrosonic Assisted Liposculpture (UAL) facilitates removal of fat from areas previously inaccessible by SAL and by making the procedure less physically strenuous for the surgeon. It allows greater volumes of fat to be removed than was previously the case. UAL has specific indications and the relative merits of the two techniques will be covered in your consultation

How Much Scarring?

This procedure has been such an advance in surgery because it can alter the body contour significantly with minimal scarring. Generally there are few incisions less than 1cm long for each area treated. Given time the scars will fade. As far as possible, the skin incisions are placed in the natural body creases and folds.

Are The Results Permanent? body_operation

The effects of liposuction are permanent. This procedure sculpts away a number of fat cells from a particular region and the remaining fat cells do not multiply to take their place. Consequently, once the operation has been performed to change the body shape, the proportions remain the same even if there is weight gain subsequently. Gaining weight after surgery may adversely affect the result. If you do gain weight, you will tend to gain it more uniformly, and not just at the former bulges. With weight gain, the remaining fat cells swell, but no new fat cells are created. With weight loss, those remaining fat cells shrink.


This uneven skin texture appears to be due to bands of fibrous tissue pulling on the skin so that fat accumulation is not even. This surface irregularity can not be camouflaged when the overlying skin is thin as is the case in many women. Liposuction alone cannot improve this, although there are additional techniques which are sometimes used with limited success - please ask for additional information. In short, “cellulite” is a name given to what is nothing more than the normal female appearance of the subcutaneous fat. Cellulite is not a disease entity in itself.

How Many Areas Can Be Treated At One Time?

A number of areas can be treated at the same time. Between two and three litres of fat can be aspirated without a need for a blood transfusion. If more than this volume needs to be aspirated, then the suction of fat is undertaken in two separate procedures. It is best to avoid transfusion in any cosmetic procedure. A routine blood check is normally undertaken to assess what volume of fat can be removed without transfusion.

Before The Operation

Our surgeons will discuss carefully with you the suitability of the procedure for the various areas of concern to you. We will normally take "before" photos of the areas to be treated to help judge the final results. Prior to surgery you should not participate in any strenuous activity or consume alcohol. On the day prior to surgery you should eat a light diet and increase fluid intake. Showering with antiseptic soap is necessary the evening prior to surgery and again on the morning of the operation. If a girdle is considered necessary, we will arrange its purchase for you and will ensure its delivery to the hospital. Two girdles will be necessary as they must be worn continuously for up to six weeks after the operation.

The Operation

The operation is performed either under a local anaesthetic (for smaller areas) or under general anaesthetic in a hospital or day surgery centre. The surgery is performed through a tiny incision as previously described. The suction cannula is worked evenly under the skin over the area to be sculpted. Care is taken to make sure that the suction is as smooth as possible to avoid uneven contours. The operation can take from 30 minutes to several hours.
For each area treated the patient has to be specifically positioned and the operative site prepared. Therefore, when multiple areas are treated, it involves a series of procedures and repositioning. The length of time of the operation is therefore proportional to the number of areas treated.

After The Operation

When fat tissue is suctioned from under the skin, it leaves small tunnels and empty pockets. The purpose of a compressive dressing or girdle is to collapse these spaces to allow healing to take place. The area treated with liposuction may be strapped with elastic tape or a girdle will be applied. This will minimize bruising and swelling and provide a degree of support for the skin which will be relatively loose after the operation, particularly when the swelling settles down. The elasticized material of the girdle helps to keep even pressure on the areas treated, minimize bruising and swelling and "even out the skin". This process will help the skin to redistribute itself more evenly and minimizes the risk of skin sagging and irregularities.

Will There Be Much Pain?

The amount of pain felt varies from individual to individual, depending on one's pain threshold. Generally, areas treated with liposuction are tender to pressure, but there is usually no excruciating pain when resting or in bed. There may be a feeling of stiffness when moving about, but most of the pain subsides after a few days. It is not a particularly painful operation as the muscles are not disturbed except when suction is performed on large areas of the abdomen. It is then sometimes painful to sit up for the first few days. It is our impression that ultra sound assisted liposculpture (UAL) is attended by more pain and discomfort in the postoperative period than is suction assisted lipectomy (SAL). There is no scientific basis for this observation, but it appears to be so. It is our impression that the results obtained from UAL (where indicated) justify this increased discomfort.